Scolecite natural free forms - reiki/energy/chakra/healing - 4 inches and 490 gms (1.08 lb)
Scolecite natural free forms - reiki/energy/chakra/healing - 4 inches and 490 gms (1.08 lb)
Scolecite natural free forms - reiki/energy/chakra/healing - 4 inches and 490 gms (1.08 lb)
Scolecite natural free forms - reiki/energy/chakra/healing - 4 inches and 490 gms (1.08 lb)
Scolecite natural free forms - reiki/energy/chakra/healing - 4 inches and 490 gms (1.08 lb)

Scolecite natural free forms - reiki/energy/chakra/healing - 4 inches and 490 gms (1.08 lb)

Vendor: Shwasam
Available Units: 1
Product Code: SCC6919

Regular price $13.00 USD


Product : Scolecite natural free forms 
Stone : Scolecite
Size : 4 x 4 inches
Weight :490 gms (1.08 lb)

Scolecite strengthens and unlocks our third eye and allows for intense lucid dreaming. Scolecite may work on a higher vibration with the upper chakras, but it also unlocks the heart and pushes it to release anything that may be causing pain from within. This stone is a total auric cleanser and will in a sense do a “spring cleaning” on you when working with it daily. Scolecite is very good stone for anyone looking to do dream work or enhance their memory. It helps to understand imagery within dreams and the correlation that it may play on in our life.

Scolecite is a zeolite mineral that belongs to the silicate family. Its delicate and intricate crystal structure is known for its radiant white or colorless appearance, often with a pearly or vitreous luster. The natural free form caves are especially captivating, resembling ethereal landscapes crafted by nature herself.

The importance of Scolecite natural free forms in crystal healing lies in their ability to stimulate and balance the upper chakras, particularly the third eye and crown chakras. These caves act as conduits for divine energy, allowing one to access higher states of consciousness, deepen spiritual practices, and expand psychic abilities. The soft, yet powerful, vibrations emitted by Scolecite can help quiet the mind, ease anxiety, and promote a sense of tranquility.

The benefits of Scolecite natural free forms are plentiful. They are known to enhance dream recall and lucid dreaming, making them a popular choice for those seeking to explore the realms of the subconscious mind. Scolecite also aids in releasing emotional traumas and past life issues, helping individuals heal and move forward on their spiritual journey. It is believed to facilitate communication with spirit guides and angelic beings, fostering a stronger connection to the divine.

In the realm of crystal healing gifting, Scolecite natural free forms hold a special place. As a present, they convey a sense of sacredness, offering recipients the opportunity to establish a deeper connection with their inner selves and the universe. The caves' unique formations make them intriguing and visually captivating additions to any crystal collection. They can be placed on altars, meditation spaces, or bedside tables to create a serene atmosphere conducive to spiritual practices and deep relaxation.

Scolecite natural free forms also serve as exquisite home decorations, adding a touch of elegance and serenity to any living space. Their ethereal beauty serves as a reminder of the intricate wonders of nature, creating a harmonious ambiance. Placing a Scolecite cave in a communal area, such as a living room or study, encourages a sense of calmness and tranquility, making it an ideal centerpiece for meditation or gatherings focused on spiritual growth.

When utilizing Scolecite natural free forms in crystal healing, it is important to cleanse and recharge them regularly. The caves can be cleansed by placing them under running water or in a bowl of saltwater, followed by a gentle pat dry. To recharge their energies, they can be placed in sunlight or moonlight, or even in the presence of other cleansing crystals such as selenite or clear quartz.

Scolecite natural free forms, especially in the form of caves, offer a profound and enchanting experience for crystal healing enthusiasts. Their ethereal beauty, combined with their potent metaphysical properties, makes them highly sought after for their ability to enhance spiritual connections, promote inner peace, and facilitate profound healing. Whether gifted or used as home decorations, Scolecite caves radiate serenity and serve as constant reminders of the magnificent energy of the universe.